Wednesday, June 19, 2019

An Gorta Mór, nó an Drochshaol?

Should we call the Great Famine in Irish an Gorta Mór, or an Drochshaol? I can't say I have strong emotions about this, but my preference is an Drochshaol, as it is the expression with better Gaeltacht credentials.

By the way, here is a book recommendation: if you want to know how the Famine was experienced by contemporary Irish-speakers, you should read Cathal Póirtéir's Glórtha ón Ghorta: Béaloideas na Gaeilge agus an Gorta Mór - yes, I know you'd prefer Glórtha ón nGorta, but Cathal is an Ulsterman, so he uses the lenition there. This book is full of authentic folklore material in all possible dialects about different aspects of the Famine, and the texts are not too long, so you don't need to be a very accomplished learner to read them. 
This is how the book looks like. It was published back in 1996 by Coiscéim. It is an extraordinarily useful resource for all learners.

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